Forgotten Realms Campaign Set [1356 — 1357 DR]

Forgotten Realms Campaign Set, published 1987
The start of everything!
God of Spring, Dawn, Conception, Vitality, Eternal Youth, Renewal, Self-Perfection, Beginnings
NG, Greater Power, Elysium
Symbol: A wooden disk of rosy pink hue
NOTES: Lathander Lord of Morning is commander of creativity. Offerings are made to him by those who worship other powers upon the occasion of beginning a new venture or forming an alliance or company. Lathander's presentation is either as a rosy radiance or mist, or, in earlier renditions, of a golden-skinned male youth of great beauty. Its priests where robes of pink or scarlet, the higher ranks having them trimmed with ornate ribbons of gold.
Chauntea and Lathander work together, and often go so in alliance with Silvanus and his allied gods against The Gods of Fury.
Professions and their normal gods:
Healers, including midwives, surgeons: LATHANDER, Placate MYRKUL
Poets, Artists, Scribes: SUNE, DENEIR, MILIL, LATHANDER
Sages: OGHMA, DENEIR, MILIL, and GOND: occasionally MYSTRA, SELUNE, TYE, or another Power depending on the sage's speciality
Guards: HELM; occasionally TORM and ILMATER
Artisans and Smiths: GOND, OGHMA
Merchants/Traders: WAUKEEN, TYMORA, MASK, ILMATER, but most traders profess no strong belief in Greater Powers.
JELDE ASTURIEN, (JEL-deh ASS-tur-ee-en)
Alias Semoor Wolftooth
(24, DM's Sourcebook of the Realms)
8th level cleric
NG, Lathander
Human male
Born Semoor Wolftooth in Espar, Jelde spent much of his early years fishing in the local streams, where his hunched-over, patient posture earned him the nickname Stoop. He was fascinated by elves from an early age, and learned to speak elvish as best he could from travelers. He joined his companions Florin, Islif, Doust, and the other landless younglings of Espar in a journey eastwards to seek his fortune when he came of age, and over years of adventures found his calling as a follower of the God of the Morning. Upon gaining the rank of Priest, he took a name (Jelde Asturien) revealed to him by his god, as is traditional for that faith, and rose to become a noble of Shadowdale. Finding that constant adventuring was at odds with diligent service to Lathander, Jelde retired from active adventuring and took up residence at the temple to Lathander in Eveningstar to better serve his god. He has risen rapidly in the ranks of the clergy since then. Jelde retains a ring of spell storing from his adventuring days, and sometimes dons armor to defend Lathander's works from the dangers of the Stonelands.
AT A GLANCE: Beregost is a small town of about 40 central buildings, with several larger estates further from the town itself. The town is dominated by a large temple and its attendant buildings. To the east on the low rise overlooking the town is the shell of a ruined castle.
ELMINSTER'S NOTES: The small town of Beregost is first and foremost a trading center, a jumping-off point for expeditions into the Southern Kingdoms of Amn, Tethyr, and Calimshan. It is also the home of several notable individuals. One of the foremost smiths in the Sword Coast area, Taerom Thunderhammer Fuiruim, has his estate and shop here. Beregost is also the abode of the wizard Thalantyr, a wizard who specializes in magic of the Conjuration/Summoning type. Finally, Beregost is the home of a large temple to Lathander, God of the Morning. The high priest of this temple is one Kelddath Ormlyr, once a merchant of note whose ships plied their trade up and down the Sword Coast. On a hill to the east of Beregost lay the burned ruins of a school of wizardry, founded some three hundred years ago by the mage Ulcaster, and destroyed eighty years later by Calishite mages, who had feared the school's collective power had come to rival their own. Interestingly enough, the Ulcasterian school was also a school of Conjurers and Summoners.
GAME INFORMATION: Taerom Thunderhammer Fuiruimisa Master Armorer, capable of forging full sets of plate armor, ornate weapons, and using rare and unique ores. He is neutral aligned, has 25 hp, and fights as a 1st level fighter in combat. He has experience in helping Thafantyr create magical items. Thalantyr, 15th level magic-user, specializes in Conjuration/Summoning spells. (+1 on all his saving throws, -1 on saving throws against his Conjuration/Summoning attacks). Kelddath Ormylyr, Patriarch of the Church of Lathanier, 16th level cleric.
Temple Staff: 3 8th level clerics, 6 4th level clerics, 9 2nd level clerics, 18 1st level clerics, 200 men-at-arms in Temple Complex
Kelddath is regarded as the town's governor, though day-to-day operations are handled by a five-man town council