cleaned up some css files, which shouldn't look too different
3/18/25 - v2.2.0
set sites and projects to the new style
filled in projects with a whole bunch of new stuff!
switched the color scheme, bit less hard to look at
3/17/25 - v2.1.0
set media, logs, construction, and not found pages to the new style
added a silly video game side bar to media page
3/16/25 - v2.0.0
NEW HOMEPAGE!! It's a bit simpler but a whole lot more flexible
added a few new web rings and widgets
3/15/25 - v1.4.8
finished reorganizing the files! took forever but man its a lot nicer now
updated media page, had to add a whole new font to display cyrillic
took a bit of a break, but am coming back to this!
set up working on my website on my computer rather than the neocities browser editor,
using vscode to edit, servez to view and the neocities cli to post the files
saved the current home page, will be saved in logs when I redo it
started reorganizing the files, its a total mess right now
11/04/24 - v1.4.7
filled out a 4E page
11/03/24 - v1.4.6
finished the bg3 page!!
filled out 3 5E pages
added the tag index on the homepage
11/02/24 - v1.4.5
created the extended books and dialogue pages for the bg3 page
11/01/24 - v1.4.4
continued prepping files
10/30/24 - v1.4.3
prepped a ton of files for the bg3 page, will likely be the biggest by far
10/29/24 - v1.4.2
vastly improved the aesthetics of the lathander archive
added the upper bar
added shadowboxed images!
filled out the first book page!
10/28/24 - v1.4.1
made the lathander homepage a bit more readable
joined a few new webrings
10/27/24 - v1.4.0
started the lathander archive! (I will be working on it for a while...)
10/12/24 - v1.3.6
set up sites to use computer layout
added some fish flair
10/10/24 - v1.3.5
hopefully fixed a display issue
10/09/24 - v1.3.4
fixed the seperation of the logs page
10/07/24 - v1.3.3
moved blinkies back to the upper bar
added cbox to computer layout (and messed w theme!)
set the log to use the computer theme
created an "intro" page, won't likely use it for a while
added some halloween flair :)
10/06/24 - v1.3.2
added imood to the computer layout
added email and future settings note
added blinkies (though they may be moved/removed)
changed displayed dates to update automatically and type out
10/05/24 - v1.3.1
cleaned up and filled out the computer layout to match current index
10/04/24 - v1.3.0
set up the computer layout!! (currently in testing zone)
09/30/24 - v1.2.8
updated "recently read"
09/29/24 - v1.2.7
got draggable divs working! (in testing zone)
09/27/24 - v1.2.6
worked on "recently read" category
09/27/24 - v1.2.5
added a few more sites
added cursor trail to index!
set up more book media divs, need to clean up and fill
09/24/24 - v1.2.4
added favicons to all pages!
09/23/24 - v1.2.3
added "currently listening to" and "currently reading" on media page
added a couple webrings to index!
09/22/24 - v1.2.2
created site badge
09/21/24 - v1.2.1
created vampire css file
added "under construction" marquee
added chatbox!
added PLORT :)
09/20/24 - v1.2.0
added silly sites to sites page
created projects page!
added blinkie marquees
set up media & vamps pages
09/19/24 - v1.1.0
created sites page!
09/18/24 - v1.0.0
pulled together neon terminal style (including custom font)
created "in construction" page
created "page not found" page
created "logs" page
change format
style switch!!
intro page
silly image of the week/month
fill out projects sidebar (future projects?)
fill out sites a bit more
return the scanlines to the silly style
change name/nekocities mirror
reimplement the tacks style somewhere
fill out all books page
accessable plain text mode
Custom cursors
make mankind is dead/hell is full/blood is fuel blinkie
make a better little button for my site
embroidered menus
music page, live music
hand streches page
programming stuff??
hecate page :3 (playlist, timeline, fun facts)
future roadtrip map
random cat img
fav other media (podcasts, games, videos, vtm sourcebooks?)
music autoplay!!
fill in alt text for some images
align the titles and flanking gifs
fix the "new" arrow
sparkle mouse effect on some pages
date display text for "updated" doesn't really work
lemme know if I missed anything!